Whatever the problems you have with your timber, Dovedale Dampcure Services Ltd can help. Whether its Dry Rot, Wet Rot or indeed wood Boring Insects, you can rely on us to make you smile again.

Dovedale Timbercare
Dry Rot (Serpula Lacrymans)
Dry rot is wood decay caused by one of several species of fungi that digest parts of the wood which give the wood strength and stiffness. It was previously used to describe any decay of cured wood in ships and buildings by a fungus which resulted in a darkly coloured deteriorated and cracked condition.
The life-cycle of dry rot can be broken down into four main stages. Dry rot begins as a microscopic spore which, in high enough concentrations, can resemble a fine orange dust. If the spores are subjected to sufficient moisture they will begin to grow fine white strands known as hyphae. As the hyphae germinate they will eventually form a large mass known as mycelium. The final stage is a fruiting body which pumps new spores out into the surrounding air.
Dovedale Treats Dry Rot
Wood Boring Insects
Typically the adult beetles lay eggs on or just under the surface of a wooden item. The resulting grubs then feed on the wooden item causing both structural and cosmetic damage. They then pupate and hatch as beetles that then breed, lay eggs and repeat the process, causing further damage.
As these beetles are accustomed to consuming decaying wood in forests, most grubs will prefer wooden items that contain a higher moisture content than that of typical household items.
A building with a woodworm problem in its structure or furniture may also have a problem with excess moisture. The issue could be the result of a lack of ventilation in a roof space, cellar or other enclosed space within an otherwise dry building.
Whilst moisture is a leading factor resulting in a woodworm infestation, some species of woodboring insects, such as the woodboring weevil, are only found where fungal rot has already begun.
Dovedale Treats Wood Boring Insects.